MusicTEX– EuroTEX 92


$\dag $ Université de Paris-Sud
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
bâtiment 510
F-91405 ORSAY Cedex, France

MusicTEX: using TEX to write
polyphonic or instrumental music

Daniel TAUPIN$\scriptstyle \dag$


MusicTEX is a set of TEX or LaTEX macros which are fit to typeset polyphonic, instrumental or orchestral music. It is able to handle an important number of instruments or voices (up to nine) and staffs (up to four for each instrument). Many usual ornaments have been provided, including several note sizes which can handle grace notes or extra music like cadenzas.

Except the risk of typing errors due to a sophisticated set of macros, the major difficulty still resides in glue and line breaking in the case of irregular music and slurs.

Music\TeX\ est un jeu de macro-instructions \TeX\ ou...
...\lq ere et la r\'alisation de
liaisons ou de phras\'es esth\'etiques. \end{resume}

music typesetting, orchestral music, polyphonic music.